Making Travel With Kids Easy and Pleasant

Strange beds and the excitement of experiencing a new space can make hotel lodging a little hectic when it comes to traveling with children. It's a good idea to make a few preparations before traveling to ensure order and relaxation when you get to your hotel, as opposed to stress and mayhem. Bringing along a special lodging bag full of entertainment, snacks that encourage relaxation, and a few other amenities can make a big difference in how well your children behave while spending time in the hotel room. This blog is designed to offer parents useful tips and tricks for traveling with kids, and for making the most out of lodging no matter what accommodations may be available.

Top Signs You May Want To Look For A Gay-Owned Hotel


When looking for a hotel to book a room in, you might not normally do much or any research about who owns the hotel. However, in some cases, it's a good idea to look for hotels that are advertised as being owned by members of the LGBT community. If you've never looked for a gay-owned hotel in particular when traveling for business or pleasure, consider these signs that maybe you should do so.

You Want to Feel More Comfortable

If you are a member of the LGBT community yourself, you might not always feel comfortable in the hotels that you stay in. You might worry that you will be a victim of a hate crime or discrimination, for example. You probably don't want to have to worry about this type of thing when you're traveling, especially if you are on a busy business trip or if you are traveling for a fun vacation. If you book a room in a gay-owned hotel, then you might feel a lot more comfortable and safe.

You're Hoping to Meet People

You might be hoping to meet singles for a fun hookup or something more, or you might just be hoping to mix and mingle with others from the LGBT community. If this is the case, then you might find that you are more likely to meet others in the community if you pick a gay-owned hotel for your upcoming trip.

You're Participating in an Event

If you're participating in an LGBT event of some sort, you might want to stay in a gay-owned hotel. The hotel itself might be involved in some of the activities and festivities, too. Plus, other people who are participating in the event will probably be there, too.

You Want to Show Your Support

If you are a member of the LGBT community, then you might always be looking for ways to support others in the community. Even if you aren't, you might like to support LGBT business owners when you can. By booking a hotel room in a hotel that is gay owned, like The Kirby Hotel for instance, you can feel good in knowing that you have shown your support. This is sure to be appreciated by the owners of the hotel, and it can help them keep the business running, too.

These are a few signs that you might want to look for a gay-owned hotel on your next trip. Luckily, there are a variety of these hotels all over the country and world, so it shouldn't be hard to find a good one.


25 February 2022